Always a great idea to design furniture or decorative objects! With the mosaic technique you can achieve colourful and individual creative results matching almost every decoration trend!
And this is how mosaic tinkering works:
Which handicraft material do I need for the handicraft technique "mosaic tinkering"? For this handicraft technique you need a broken mosaic, mosaic tongs or knockers, mounting glue, Joint Filler, a sponge and an object to be glued
How exactly does the handicraft technique "mosaic tinkering" work? First of all, you should have a sufficiently large stock of different shapes and sizes of the Mosaic stones . This will make it easier to find the right Selection, when you work later on. If the object you want to decorate with broken mosaic still needs to be coloured, prime it in the desired colour and let it dry thoroughly
If a motif is to be laid, it is also necessary to draw the corresponding motif in advance. Gradually apply mounting adhesive to small areas and place the mosaic pieces with a joint distance of approx. 1 mm. Start with the difficult areas, such as the corners of the mosaic to be laid. With pictorial motifs, you should work towards the edge lines
Once you have covered the desired area with mosaic, cover all parts around the mosaic with masking tape before grouting. Stir the Joint Filler in water. Always make sure to put the powder into the water to avoid lumps. The ideal Joint Filler has the consistency of cake dough. The Joint Filler is then worked into the mosaic with a soft brush until all the joints are evenly filled
Now pull off the crepe tape, smooth the edge joints with your finger and let the excess Joint Filler dry. This is wiped off in the next step with a damp sponge. The sponge should be washed out after each wipe, otherwise the Joint Filler will be spread and not removed. Now let the mosaic dry well for 24 hours. Then wipe the mosaic again with a damp sponge and polish it additionally